LiverSupport Health News

The Connection Between Brain Fog and Liver Health

The Connection Between Brain Fog and Liver Health

144 Jun 5th, 2012

Understanding cognitive impairment makes the link between brain fog, fatigue and chronic liver disease apparent.

Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

May 30th, 2012

Fish oil is the most reliable source of active omega-3 fatty acids (referred to as eicosapentanoic, EPA and docosahexanoic acid or DHA).

The Four-Fold Liver Health Strategy of SST

May 30th, 2012

Find out why the combination of four desired functions makes SST a powerful supplement for supporting the liver’s well-being.

Does Spirulina Consumption Support the Liver?

1 May 3rd, 2012

Often added to healthy drinks and smoothies, spirulina harbors several wellness characteristics – including protection of the liver.

More Evidence That a Fatty Liver Benefits from Probiotics

8 May 2nd, 2012

While there is still much to learn about fatty liver disease, there is a growing recognition that beneficial bacteria in the gut can play a major role in preventing fat accumulation in the liver.

Good Reason to Thwart Fatty Liver Disease

43 Apr 12th, 2012

Evidence increases the motivation to prevent fatty liver disease from progressing to cirrhosis.

SST Is Back

6 Apr 11th, 2012

SST’s temporary disappearance had nothing to do with the product itself, but with the constraints of lawful herbal supplement sales and marketing.

Aerobic Exercise – A Smart Route for Battling a Fatty Liver

12 Mar 26th, 2012

When it comes to reducing the occurrence or severity of fatty liver disease, aerobic exercise boasts a handful of specific benefits.

Investigating the Serotonin-Liver Relationship

24 Mar 23rd, 2012

Serotonin, the hormone known to make people happy, may also be deeply involved in liver fibrosis.

Over-the-Counter Painkillers and the Liver

54 Mar 1st, 2012

Those with liver disease must be aware that the three most common pain relievers could be hazardous to a compromised liver – even at a reasonable dosage.

Do Underarm Deodorants Impact Liver Health?

12 Feb 28th, 2012

Those with chronic liver disease ought to know how their deodorant could be straining their liver.

Why Liver Problems Require a Look at Celiac Disease

5 Feb 9th, 2012

Due to an apparent link between the two ailments, those with liver disease are advised to be evaluated for Celiac disease, and vice versa.

Chronic Liver Disease and Vitamin D

17 Feb 7th, 2012

Find out why everyone with chronic liver disease should be aware of their vulnerability to Vitamin D deficiency.

Mindless Eating Is a Liver’s Foe

15 Jan 13th, 2012

Tackling the issue of mindless eating, these five strategies can help avert fat accumulation in the liver.

Is Bleach Bad for Your Liver?

13 Jan 11th, 2012

Whether it’s in your water, hair dye, laundry detergent or toilet bowl cleaner, learn why bleach is not the most liver-friendly compound.

Four Nuts That Support Your Liver

26 Dec 23rd, 2011

Besides being a tasty snack, some nuts provide a surprisingly healthy combination of liver-protective substances.

Hair Color for the Liver Conscious

9 Dec 20th, 2011

Hair color can improve self-image and thus lift the spirits of a person living with chronic liver disease. Before partaking in this beauty ritual, review these five suggestions for reducing the toxic load these products can place on your liver.

Liver Disease Bulletin: Should Iron Be in Your Multi-Vitamin?

6 Dec 19th, 2011

To avoid a worsening of their condition, individuals with chronic liver disease should know which circumstances mandate taking a multi-vitamin with iron.

Does Alcohol Offer Stress Relief?

Nov 30th, 2011

Even though many people use alcohol to ease stress, there is evidence that it does just the opposite – especially when it comes to stressing the liver.

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