Weight Loss

Think You’re Too Young to Get Liver Disease? Think Again.
Liver disease was once perceived as something only older adults needed to worry about. Discover why this is false, as well as 3 steps you can take to manage and reverse liver damage.

The Debate for Bananas and Liver Wellness
As long as you consider the banana guidelines described below, this popular fruit could be a great addition to your plan for optimal liver health.

Sleep Apnea Can Intensify Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Did you know that not getting enough oxygen into your lungs at night can exacerbate non-alcoholic fatty liver disease?

10% Weight Loss Could Save Your Liver
Of particular benefit to the liver, reducing hunger and squashing food cravings healthfully can help you achieve an ideal weight.

There’s a Liver Hormone That Can Stop Your Addiction to Sweets!
Researchers have discovered a liver hormone that can stop or lower your sugar cravings.

6 Strategies to Improve Liver Function and Help You Lose Weight
The liver’s role in fat metabolism makes this organ’s health vital to achieving your weight loss goals.

Top 3 Causes of a Fatty Liver
Learn the top three reasons people get a fatty liver and tips to help prevent or reverse it.

Snacking 101: Protein Bars for a Lean Liver
Luckily, choosing a great protein bar can help satisfy hunger without furthering liver fat accumulation.

Kale Is a Super Food for Your Liver
Especially if you are managing a chronic liver ailment, there are four irrefutable reasons to put kale on your weekly grocery list.

The Advantages of Consuming Protein for Liver Health
Once associated with bodybuilders looking to increase muscle mass, protein powders actually have many applications – including helping those with some types of liver problems.

Chew on This: Why a Healthy Weight Helps the Liver
The new snacking solution for a healthier weight, a healthier liver and a healthier you.

Liver Cancer Risk Heightens Weight Loss Urgency
Understanding the plea for insurance coverage of lap-band surgery to prevent liver cancer reiterates why stopping fatty liver disease is imperative.