Easy, Homemade Mixture Helps Your Liver

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Tamarind Fruit Offers Liver Protective Qualities
Find out how tamarind, a pod-like fruit, can benefit the health of your liver.
Tamarind is a fruit tree that can be found in tropical climates such as Africa, India and Thailand, and is even grown in southern states in the U.S.
The tree produces a pod-like fruit that is also a legume.
Tamarind fruit contains calcium and vitamins A, C, E, K, along with the B vitamins, which are essential for metabolism of glucose, fat and protein. In fact, tamarind contains 12 percent of the daily requirement for Niacin (B3) which is essential for liver health!
Tamarind Benefits Liver Health
Tamarind offers liver protective qualities. It has been shown to decongest the liver and gallbladder, as well as to provide antioxidant protection from free radical damage to the liver.
Studies show that the liver retained normal hepatic function with fewer areas of damage when pre-treated with tamarind extracts, possibly related to the free radical scavenging effects.
Tamarind has also been shown to reduce fat accumulation in the liver and aid in metabolizing lipids. Diets supplemented with 5 mg of tamarind pulp a day per kilogram of body weight showed decreases in fat production and levels of fat in the liver.
Note: Natural Wellness’ Clinical LiverSupport reduces fat accumulation, neutralizes toxins, repairs and regenerates liver cells, fights free radicals and promotes bile flow and anti-inflammatory actions.
How to Use Tamarind
Tamarind fruit and paste can be found in markets that specialize in Middle Eastern, Mediterranean or Asian cooking and – of course – online.
The fruit has a sweet, tangy and savory taste that can be used in many ways.
Tamarind is a key ingredient in Worcestershire sauce, and can be added to many types of foods and flavors.
The fruit can be eaten raw, candied or formed into shapes and coated with seeds or other flavor additions.
Tamarind can be added to cooked foods as a savory flavor and even made into a drink. To enjoy tamarind as a drink: boil the pods, strain to remove the pulp and add your preferred sweetener to taste.
Tamarind chutney is popular in India, while many enjoy tamarind in a jam. It can also be used as a meat tenderizer, leaving it to marinade overnight.
Tamarind can be high in sugar, so this should not be the only food you are using to support liver health, but it can be an interesting addition to your cooking and part of a liver-healthy diet.
Botanical Online Staff. (2015). Tamarind Properties. Botanical Online. Retrieved on 9/5/15 from http://www.botanical-online.com/english/tamarind_properties.htm.
Roizman, T. (2015). Benefits of Tamarind. SFGate: Healthy Eating. Retrieved on 9/5/15 from http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/benefits-tamarind-8905.html.
Sandesh, P.; Velu, V.; Singh, R.P. (2014). Antioxidant activities of tamarind (Tamarindus Indica) seed coat extracts using in vitro and in vivo models. Journal of Food Scientists & Technologists. Retrieved on 9/5/15 from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4152496/pdf/13197_2013_Article_1210.pdf.
Spiegel, A. (2014). What the hell is Tamarind, anyway? Huffington Post. Retrieved on 9/5/15 from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tamarind_n_5999376.
Web MD. (2015). Tamarind. Web MD: Find a vitamin or supplement. Retrieved on 9/5/15 from http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-819-tamarind.aspx?activeingredientid=819&activeingredientname=tamarind.